Total Timber Tour 2

Cliff's Amusement Park, NM

Total Timber Tour 2 Blog Day 16

Good day to you all. If you’ve just joined us, welcome to the party!

Although yesterday’s park closed at 10pm, we never got away much before midnight – that hospitality just kept flowing! Up 5 hours later for a long drive out of Texas and into New Mexico.

Driving around the States, especially on such a long trip, never fails to impress us with the ever changing scenery. The intensive beef farming isn’t so glamorous though and VERY smelly!

Adrian(We're looking for a town called "Ian" now!)
New Mexico 
Road Trip 

After such a reception from all that parks since Oklahoma City could it get any more special for our next stop – Cliff’s Amusement Park in Albuquerque? You bet ya – nothing less than complementary tickets and a ½ hour exclusive ride time on their woodie, The New Mexico Rattler, before the park opened. We got the impression that the park was expecting a group of visitors for the exclusive so we did our best to whoop it up like a crowd would!

Ian and Adrian 
Cliff's Amusement ParkOur ERT ride team - thanks guys, you were great.
Cliff's Amusement Park 
Cliff's Amusement Park 

We last visited the park 5 years ago on a trip with the RCCGB but only managed one ride on the ‘Rattler before rain stopped play, so it was great to put it through its paces and learn a bit more about its tricks and treats and we’re both glad to report the park have looked after it very well in that time and it rides better than we remember. It’s laden with airtime hills – the sort that lifts you out of your seat, then changes direction while you’re trying to sit down again. You end up half way through the ride trying to right the top half of your body while your bottom half seems to be going in completely the opposite direction! Very funny and very agreeable. We’re sure if more enthusiasts could visit this park, it would be rated a lot higher than it appears in various internet polls.

Cliff's Amusement Park 
Cliff's Amusement Park 

Because it was Fathers Day and, perhaps, because of the 100°+ heat and high humidity the park was nice and quiet. We stayed the afternoon to try their other attractions and have a few more goes on the Rattler before starting our long journey to Phoenix. By the way, we've made ourselves 2 hours today, travelling from Central Time, through Mountain and our Hotel is in Arizona (Summer Pacific).

Golden Arches(What a beautiful view.............. The Golden Arches!)

By the way – if you’ve been following our trip, send us an email telling us who and where you are and we’ll give you a mention later in the week.

Until tomorrow....